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Essential oil wholesale and retail
Essential oil wholesale and retail

Orange essential oil made in Germany - this is one of the most popular essential oils in Ukraine. European makers learned how to allocate air from the rind of the exotic fruit. Orange revered in ancient China thousands of years ago. The miraculous properties of orange came to us in the chronicles and manuscripts. Warm and fresh flavor of summer morning - it is essential orange oil in cosmetics most accessible oil. Fruits orange is now grown in large quantities everywhere. I will not distract you on the transfer list of the countries where it grows. Raw materials for essential oil hydrodistillation method is converted into an oil. Buy Essential Oil at an affordable price everyone can on the website of "Soap-opt". Use orange oil in the food industry and in aromatherapy. Cosmetic properties of the oil are endless.
The main properties of essential oils in cosmetics is that it is suitable for all skin types;
It softens and smoothes tired and age the skin and body care preparations right everyday with essential oils bring their results;
It normalizes the sebaceous glands, controls the free radicals from obesity under the skin;
It improves overall health and skin;
The aromatherapy essential oil helps to relax from the problems, and with a clean sheet look at the situation;
It helps when you cough and bronchitis;
Bath oil orange tone up your body;
By purchasing the essential oil of orange you present your skin a new life, with fine cell regeneration.
Buy a can of orange essential oil in soap making shop or order by phone. The company"s website soap opt.kom.yua you can buy large assortment of essential oils of high quality at the most democratic prices in Ukraine from 5 ml. Wholesale buyers is released in the packaging of 1 liter, the price the dealer.
We VKontakte: club57393184
Наш сайт: мыло-опт com ua
+38(063)69-00-756 - +38(095)81-13-091
+38(095)81-13-092 - +38(063)69-00-672

Менеджер, г. Тель-Авив


Объявление подано: 26.07.2016 Просмотров - 1060 Номер: 65208

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Стоимость услуги - 12 шек. Срок выделения - 3 дня Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 34 шек. Срок выделения - 7 дней Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 110 шек. Срок выделения - 30 дней Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 195 шек. Срок выделения - 60 дней Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 350 шек. Срок выделения - 120 дней Оплата

* Примечание: Цены указаны с учётом НДС.

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