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Buy high quality coconut oil

Buy high quality coconut oil
Buy high quality coconut oil

Coconut oil is a valuable product is consumed worldwide in large quantities. Buy coconut oil can now be everywhere, from shopping soap making, ending a major supplier to Ukraine. In the year of Ukraine consumes 50 tons of solid oil.
I"ll tell you more about him.
In southern countries grow the whole plantation of coconut palms. It was there from his flesh do not only famous Bounty heavenly delight, but also put pressure cold pressed coconut meat.
Countries suppliers of coconut oil is Thailand, Malaysia, and almost all the other countries of the Indian basin. Richly coconut oil with vitamins and polyunsaturated acids. The solid product is melted at a temperature of 24-26 degrees. Widely used for oil in the food dairy industry. Dairies long passed for this precious gift of nature coconut oil. Because of its large number of properties of coconut oil in cosmetics is the main ingredient.
Cosmetic preparations with coconut oil are very popular all over the world. Company "Soap-opt" sells all kinds of coconut oil for cosmetics, food and medical purposes.
Coconut oil for hair care scalp nourish the bulbs and making hair healthy and beautiful
RBD Coconut Oil cares for the body, taking care of its moisture.
Natural coconut oil prolongs youth of your face and body, filling all the necessary micronutrients skin.
Buy wholesale Coconut little you can convenient packaging from 1 kg up to 1 tonne. Retail sales of coconut oil for the domestic cosmetics also delight customers prepacking of 100 grams. Company "soap- wholesale" segment covers the entire cosmetics handmade. The site "soap-opt" You"ll find all kinds of oils and ingredients to create their cosmetics.
We"re on Facebook: https://ru-ru.facebook.com/people/Milo-Opt/100006056477004
Tel: +38(068) 153.72.52

Manager, г. Тель-Авив, First Sandy deadlock, 10, Kremenchug, 39600, Ukraine
+380636900756, +380958113091 +380958113092, +380636900672


Объявление подано: 18.06.2016 Просмотров - 1395 Номер: 64857

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Стоимость услуги - 12 шек. Срок выделения - 3 дня Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 34 шек. Срок выделения - 7 дней Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 110 шек. Срок выделения - 30 дней Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 195 шек. Срок выделения - 60 дней Оплата

Стоимость услуги - 350 шек. Срок выделения - 120 дней Оплата

* Примечание: Цены указаны с учётом НДС.

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